Shailene Woodley Might Have Just Out-Shailened Herself

Shailene Woodley arrives for the 'Late Show with David Letterman' at the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City, NY

Shailene Woodley, seen above looking like the Designer Imposters version of Kristen Stewart, has confessed some pretty WTF stuff in the past, but she recently outdid herself. During a recent interview with Nylon (via UsWeekly), Shailene was asked what the strangest thing she’s ever eaten was. Knowing what I know about Shailene (which is entirely TOO DAMN MUCH, if I’m being honest), I’d guess the strangest thing she’s ever eaten was either someone’s aura, but no. It was bugs. And she didn’t hate it:
“I’ve eaten ants and that was great. And June bugs, that was great. I think the future of food is in insects, so we’ll see what happens.”
Literally the only way that could have gotten more Shailene-y is if she had added “Did you know that drinking a tea made from organic whisperroot and grasshoppers will cure a blocked chakra? It’s true, a shaman told me in a dream I once had.
Full disclosure – one time I watched a science show (truth: it was a science show for kids) and they showed that bugs had something like 10000x more protein and iron than regular meat and that bugs and that bugs were plentiful and we should be eating them. Then they tricked a bunch of kids into eating with spiders and crickets baked into it, and of course they were like “Yum! More please!“, but I was skeptical. If I can tell it’s not butter, then I think I could tell I was eating Charlotte and her babies. Then again, don’t we eat like 400 spiders in our sleep every night? I think I heard that on the same show.


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