11 Easy Ways To Boost Your Confidence

2. Find a passion and pursue it. Whether it’s writing a novel, or biking a triathlon.
3. Sit in front of your mirror and look at your body. This is your body, every freckle, every scar, and every roll; embrace everything you see as a “flaw.”
4. Get a hairbrush and see All About That Bass, and break out your best dance move.
5. Spend time with people that will drop everything to help you.
6. Take a long walk, or hike to remind yourself who you are and who you want to be.
7. Have a lipstick that instantly makes you feel hot.
8. Call your grandma she loves hearing about all you have accomplished.
9. Act positive, even if you feel like shit.
10. Shave your legs; feeling clean will make you feel good. But, if you don’t like to shave, I support you.
11. Take a selfie and put a filter on it.
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