Justin Bieber's Egging Victim Wants More Money Because The Biebs Tarnished His Good Name


You may remember when Justin Bieber egged his neighbor's house, and paid $80,000 in damages. Well, the victim wants more money now!
Jeff Schwartz has told the singer's people to pay him $1 million, or get prepared to go to court because he feels that the incident has tarnished his good name. Jeff works in car sales media software and says now he's just known as the guy Justin Bieber egged and spat on.
And apparently that $1 million will also be reparations for The Biebs verbally abusing his wife and daughter.
Hmm… something doesn't sound quite right here. Didn't they both agree that Jeff was given what was deemed fair?
Justin's camp is of course saying that the majority of Jeff's story isn't true.


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